The following networking opportunities are available at KIT through student initiatives:
- Exchange among students with disabilities via Telegram
- Working group on higher education policy via Telegram
- University Group Flux for neurodivergent students including Telegram groups and newsletter

The best3 student survey provides the latest and alarming nationwide data on the situation of students with disabilities. (in German only)
A dossier of the Federal Agency for Civic Education around aspects, terminologies and localizations in society.
The World Health Organization introduced three additional ICD-10 codes for SARS-CoV-2 in 2021. This means that chronic diseases that are related to a recovered coronavirus infection entitle you to apply for compensation for disadvantages during studies.

The KIT takes position on the current dynamics in linguistic use and publishes a binding guideline (October 2021).
The project starting in 2021 is aimed specifically at students with disabilities and chronic diseases and is financed by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.
Please inscribe with minternship-inclusive@intl.kit.edu.
The small booklet "Brief information on starting your studies" issued by Deutsches Studentenwerk provides initial orientation on starting your studies.
For students with disabilities, it often is particularly difficult to find suitable study buddies. The Study Buddies Search can help and support you. Information
Die Film Documentary "A Day with Tanja" accompanies a KIT student in her studies and everyday life.
Information and guidance for teachers in dealing with students with Asperger’s Syndrome.Download (In German only)
In its new 7th edition, the IBS (Studying with Disabilities – Information and Advice Center) of Deutsches Studentenwerk (German Student Union) provides information on studies with disabilities for prospective and current students. Handbook "Studies and Disability" (in German only)
A revolving door makes access to the KIT library more difficult. Handicapped people with KIT Card or guest card can use the elevator next to the revolving door: Please unlock your account by sending an email to: direktion@bibliothek.kit.edu. In case of technical problems, ring the bell on the outside left of the elevator. You will reach either the information desk or, after official hours, the guard’s desk on the ground floor.