International Students

Students Exempt from Tuition Fees

International students with disabilities and chronic diseases can apply for exemption from tuition fees at KIT. Information and application can be found at KIT International Affairs.

For advice and questions regarding the proof, please contact the KIT Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic diseases. 


KIT Project: MINTernship inklusive

The next study internship in USA starts in spring 2023

The goal of the joint project of INTERNATIONALES (INTL), ACCESS∂KIT and the KIT Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases is to design international study internships in the STEM field in an inclusive way and to accompany them throughout. 

MINTernship inklusive builds on the already existing structures of the MINTERNship program. More information can be found on the project website.

if you are interested in participating in the program, please make an appointment for counseling. Contact. 

Duration: 03/2021 until 02/2024 - prolongation till 02/2025