Extracts of Relevant Laws

Federal Participation Act (Bundesteilhabegesetz - BTHG) 2018

Act to strengthen the participation and self-determination of people with disabilities

§2 Definitions of Terms (1)


"People with disabilities are people

  • who have physical, psychological, mental or sensory impairments
  • which in interaction with adjustment barriers and environmental barriers
  • with a high probability can hinder them from equally participating in society
  • for longer than six months."


UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 2009

Article 24, paragraph 5

"The member states shall ensure that persons with disabilities have access to higher education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning without discrimination and on an equal footing with others. To this end, the member states shall ensure that appropriate provisions are made for persons with disabilities."

Appropriate provisions are necessary if access to and completion of studies are restricted by structural, organizational, communicative and other barriers. Appropriate provisions may include compensation for disadvantages experienced e.g., with access to the university, study organization, courses and examinations, the BAföG student loan, or the use of university and student union facilities.


State Law on Universities (Landeshochschulgesetz – LHG) Baden-Württemberg 2005

(Second Higher-education Law Amendment Act - 2nd Hochschulrechtsänderungsgesetz - HRÄG)

§ 2 (3)

"The universities ... ensure that disabled students are not discriminated against in their studies and can take advantage of the offers of the university unassistedly …”


Basic Law (Grundgesetz - GG) 1983

Article 2

"No one shall be disadvantaged because of his/her disability."