Some Recommendations

The Informations- und Beratungsstelle Studium und Behinderung (IBS) (Studying with Disabilities Information and Advice Center) of the German student union Deutsches Studentenwerk regularly publishes tips and information for students with disabilities and chronic diseases.

The IBS online library contains central and up-to-date materials, positions, legal regulations and specialist literature on studying with disabilities.

The advisory board of the advice center is dedicated to comprehensive university issues with special consideration of students with disabilities and chronic diseases as well as the of role of the representatives for the disabled, and makes corresponding recommendations to the universities.


CPU Conference of University Presidents

Eine Hochschule für Alle  (PDF) (one university for everyone), Recommendation by the 6th General Assembly of April 21, 2009 regarding studying with disabilities/chronic diseases.


Data Collection best 1 and best 2

2018 best2 beeinträchtigt studieren (studying with impairment). Data collection on the situation of students with disabilities and chronic diseases 2016/17. Assessment.

In 2016, 11 percent of all students had one or more impairments that aggravated their studies (compared to 7 percent in 2012).

The barrier-free version and further details on the survey can be found at

2011 best 1 special survey on the situation of students with disabilities and chronic diseases,

and national action plan of the Federal Government.